Welcome to the KnOWLedge Café. This site is a series of resources and information for Rice University employees to learn about HR services, resources, and solutions.
Amongst the many features, this site is mobile-friendly and tailored toward specific audiences (e.g. new employees, supervisors) and resources, such as Benefits, Recruitment, and Employee Engagement and Recognition. The site includes an enhanced Supervisor Hub and Quick Links features to other sites which are easily accessible.
Content on this site is regularly updated with helpful information, articles, resources, and announcements. A majority of the documents will be accessible via links to the Rice Box.
Recent News and Announcements
Immigration Information Zoom Sessions
Rice University has organized Zoom sessions to discuss the new immigration executive order and provide you with the broad information you may need.
To find more information, visit this page.
Immigration Legal Consultations
SupportLinc offers legal consultations to benefit-eligible Rice University employees as part of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), including guidance on immigration law matters. To explore additional expert resources and a variety of comprehensive tools available through SupportLinc, click here.
For assistance, you can reach SupportLince at 1-888-881-5462 or visit their website at supportlinc.com
If you have any questions regarding this program, please contact benefits@rice.edu or call 713-348-2363.
Human Resources Contacts
HR Service Center
Email: people@rice.edu
Phone: 713.348.2232
Email: benefits@rice.edu
Phone: 713.348.2363
Talent Acquisition
(Staff Employment Opportunities)
Email: jobs@rice.edu
Employee Relations
Email: employeerelations@rice.edu
Email: payroll@rice.edu
Phone: 713.348.3410
Email: compensation@rice.edu