Weight Watchers

Rice will subsidize half of the cost of in-person meetings for benefits-eligible faculty and staff for either the online Weight Watchers Program or local community meetings (at this time, we no longer have enough participation to hold meetings on campus). The program is now on a month-to-month basis.

How does it work?

To enroll, visit http://wellness.weightwatchers.com and use the following employer ID and password under the "New Registration" box:

  • Company ID = 28327
  • Company Passcode = fyPMoVnL

Once you log in, you will enter your information exactly as it is listed with Rice (specifically, your name, birth date, and "Unique Id which is your person number in iO). To locate your person number in iO, go to "me", then "employment info", and the person number is located in the bottom right of the assignment box.

For instructions on how to use the Weight Watchers portal, please call the Weight Watchers helpdesk at 1-866-204-2885 or at wellnesshelp@weightwatchers.com

The cost of the program is $39.95 per month (or $19.97 per month with the 50% subsidy).

You may enter the program at any time (at a prorated cost) — simply go to the portal above or one of the scheduled meetings for more information.