Rice Retiree

Being a retiree of Rice carries with it some valuable benefits. To determine if you are eligible to be a Rice retiree, the page below lists some details, including Rice’s retiree definition and some benefits of being considered a Rice retiree.

Rice Retiree Definition and Benefits

Retirees are individuals who leave the University's employ at the conclusion of a minimum of ten consecutive years of benefits-eligible service and for whom the sum of age and length of service is at least 65.

Being a retiree of Rice University entitles an individual to certain benefits and privileges that may change from time to time.

Examples of such privileges are:

  • Participation at their cost in the University Medical Plans for non-Medicare-eligible retirees and dependents covered at the time of retirement according to conditions set by the insurance carriers and the University
  • The opportunity to audit courses at Rice and remission of tuition for dependents as provided by the relevant policies
  • Membership in the Faculty Club at the Cohen House, with approval of the Faculty Club Board
  • Use of Rec Center facilities, with membership
  • Rice University "Faculty/Staff, Retired" identification cards for the retiree and spouse
  • Book check-out privileges at Fondren Library with Rice University "Faculty/Staff, Retired" identification card
  • Special rates on season tickets to Rice athletic events as issued by the Athletic Department
  • University Faculty/Staff Directory listing under the appropriate heading
  • Regular faculty/staff discounts on non-credit School of Continuing Studies courses
  • Access to the Internet and e-mail with a Rice account according to established procedures in Information Technology

Retirees who have served 20 years or more or deceased faculty and staff who meet the same criterion are further recognized by a plaque positioned under a campus tree dedicated in their honor.

Non-Medicare-eligible covered dependents of deceased employees who would have qualified for retiree benefits may continue purchasing Rice Group health insurance coverage as dependents of deceased retirees.

Rice Retiree Benefits

  • One highly valued benefit of being a retiree is free parking in any lot on the Rice campus! This makes it easy for you to maintain academic and social connections with the University when you retire. Once you retire, you will need to go to the Parking Office to have your parking access card re-coded for retiree status. You will also receive a new sticker for your car. Please note that parking is made available strictly to retirees who wish to maintain a relationship with the campus and participate in campus intellectual and social life. This is not intended for regular daily parking, for example, to allow a former employee to have free parking pursuant to employment in The Texas Medical Center
  • Many university tuition benefits apply to Rice retirees. You can find out more about them under the Tuition Benefits portion of this website.
  • Rice’s retiree health plans are the same plans offered to active employees but with different premiums and associated costs. To view the current premium rates, please see the section below. If you have questions about your retiree coverage, Aetna concierge can help you just like they help active employees. You can reach them at 1-800-905-7670. Rice retirees enrolled in our plans have an annual enrollment period every year, just as active faculty and staff have. This is typically held in April of each year, with changes effective July 1.

Click here to download the Rice Retiree Package for more information.


If you did not elect to enroll in retiree benefits within 30 days of your retirement from the university, you have missed the opportunity to enroll, and you may NOT enroll at a later date. If you decide to drop the Rice retirement plan at a later date, you will not be permitted to rejoin the plan.

You should begin your retiree medical coverage options exploration at least three (3) months ahead of your retirement date. This includes contacting Medicare and Social Security to initiate their processes.

If you have questions about your retirement funds, please contactTIAA or Fidelity Investments directly about these benefits.

Additional Information


Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Pre-65 Rates

Retirees eligible for Medicare (Post-65 or due to disability)

Medicare-eligible retirees will be eligible to use a service called “Via Benefits” to help them find Medicare Supplements that work for them. They will have many more choices in coverage levels and many more price points to consider than they have had previously. There are also dental and vision plans to choose from. Via Benefits provides licensed, professional Benefit Advisors, to work with you to select the right Medicare Supplement for you. Retirees will receive an enrollment guide from Via Benefits when it is time for them to make their enrollment decisions. Retirees will pay for their Medicare Supplement coverage directly to the insurance carrier(s) they select. Via Benefits Benefit Advisors can help you with the process of setting up automatic payments to the carrier.

Retirees not eligible for Medicare (Pre-65) and eligible dependents not eligible for Medicare (Pre-65)

  • Via Benefits will be the resource for finding all retiree dental and vision coverage. For pre-65 retirees and eligible pre-65 dependents, we will continue to provide the active medical plan through Aetna and ExpressScripts. Payment for this coverage will continue to be made to Wage Works/Health Equity.
  • For future retirees, information will be sent to your home from Via Benefits once your retirement date is entered into the payroll system. To ensure timely communication, please ensure your department sends in your termination form as soon as possible.

Staying Connected to Rice After Retiring

You may want to continue volunteering at Rice and stay involved with students. Here are Rice-affiliated volunteer opportunities.

We, of course, have a lot of exciting sports on campus (and away), so be sure to stay on top of Rice Athletics.

Do you need to update your address or other contact information at Rice? Be sure to call Human Resources at 713-348-2232 or e-mail people@rice.edu.

If you wish to receive the "ALLDEPTS" email that is sent out to faculty and staff, click here and follow the steps to enroll. These emails often contain information on free lectures and events at Rice.

The Rice Calendar website also lists a lot of the events that are happening at Rice. You might also enjoy visiting Rice Gallery.

If you have any additional questions, please contact a member of the Benefits team.
